Alumni Sweethearts


Calling all lovebirds!

你在仁慈山遇到你的同伴了吗? 我们想知道细节,你们是怎么认识的, where you liked to hang out, 如果校友朋友参加了你的婚礼, etc. 通过填写这个来分享你的故事和照片 form or by emailing

Mustang Sweethearts

thornton.jpg Scott Thornton '13♥Andrea (Norris) Thornton '16
The first time Scott and Andrea came across each other was during Mount Mercy’s January term in 2013. Their class schedules didn't exactly mesh with Andrea pursuing her nursing degree and Scott his business degree (and his passion for baseball), 除了一门他们都选修的课程,叫做"冠军习惯". 你被教导如何在这场人生游戏中成为冠军. 谁能想到这门课还会让她们找到一生的挚爱?!

斯科特从梅西山大学毕业后, he went back to his home state of California to earn his Master’s Degree from Long Beach State University. Andrea and Scott survived a long-distance relationship for two years from Iowa to California. 斯科特在安德里亚毕业前搬回了锡达拉皮兹, 一个月后,两人订婚了. They married where it all began, at the MMU Chapel of Mercy on September 15, 2018. Andrea目前是Mercy医疗中心的注册护士, 同时也是Mount Mercy护理专业学生的临床讲师. 斯科特在锡达拉皮兹担任百事公司的仓库经理.
clouse.jpg 11岁的卡丽(韦伯)克罗斯♥11岁的丹克罗斯
我们相识于大一的秋天(2007年),在一个荣誉写作课上. 我们有一些共同的朋友,大部分时间都在一起吃午饭, 所以当我们和那群人一起吃午饭时,我们开始相互了解. 在我们大一的春季学期(2008), 我们又一起上了一节课, due to changing schedules, 开始和我们两个人一起吃午饭. We stayed in touch over the summer and then took another class together during the fall of our sophomore year (2008). Over Christmas break we talked almost every day and finally during the J-term of our sophomore year (2009) we began dating.
我们最喜欢一起度过时光的地方是图书馆, 在哪里我们可以一起做作业和学习, and the Hill Top. We dated for five years during which time we both graduated from Mount Mercy (2011), 凯莉有会计学位, finance, and management, and Dan with a criminal justice and political science degree; Carrie graduated from the University of Iowa in 2012 with a Master’s in Accounting, Dan于2014年毕业于德雷克大学,获得法律学位. We got married in May 2014 and recently welcomed our daughter, Gwendolyn Olivia Clouse, in June 2018.
steiers.jpg Paul Steier '89♥Susan (Rinaldi) Steier '91
Our Paths Crossed: 我和我的妻子苏珊是在1987年迎新时认识的. We were orientation leaders and I was acting in a skit pretending to get back into my Regina dorm room after showering, 我只穿着一条毛巾,因为我忘了换洗的衣服. Susan and a friend Liane Ray-Schulte '91 acted like they were walking by and pulled my towel off (I had shorts on underneath).

I saw Susan again that fall on my way to class at Warde Hall and we said hi but Susan also said she was thinking about me which caught my attention. We would see each other once in a while studying in the basement of Regina and chat. It was the “Freakers Ball” (Halloween Dance) where Susan and I ran into each other again and had fun dancing. After that dance, we dated and would write letters to each other (actual paper letters) and learn more about one another. The rest is history.

We were married in Marion in 1991 and had many Mount Mercy friends in our wedding. Bridesmaids were Mount Mercy alumnae Angie (Edmonds) Holm ’91 and Jolene (O'Connor) Myers '92. Attendants were Mount Mercy alumnae Ginny (Kriegel) Burkle '92 and Liane Ray-Schulte '91. 伴郎是88届的Mount Mercy校友Scott Riesenberg和89届的James Topf. Steve Saddoris was an Usher and worked as a security guard at Mount Mercy where he and Paul became good friends and golf partners.
besong.jpg Clayton Besong '16 MSL♥Ashley (Chambers) Besong '15 MBA
Ashley was enrolled in the MBA graduate program while Clayton was enrolled in the MSL graduate program. 有时这两个程序有重叠的类. 其中一节课是国际商务课. Celina Peerman and Dr. Deb Oliver. 这个班在伯利兹进行了为期一周的旅行,在那里我们互相了解了. We weren't the only students on that trip that ended up meeting during the class and getting married (Brian & Lesley [Stomp] Mullan). 那次班级旅行是在2016年1月. Fast forward to June of 2017, 我们在锡达拉皮兹市中心重新联系上了, 我们的第一次正式约会是在7月29日, 2017. I accepted a job in Minneapolis, MN, two days later and relocated on the 14th of September. 她暗示她不会那么容易摆脱我. 经过几个月的异地恋, and (international) travels, we got engaged on August 8, 2018. 我们在8月29日买下了一栋房子, 2018年在双城郊区, got married on October 26, 2019, 剩下的(或最好的)还没有到来!
mccarville.jpg Susan Wolff McCarville '81♥Steven McCarville '81
Susan (Wolff) McCarville ’81 and Steve McCarville ’81 were married three months after graduation and have four wonderful children, 还有三个漂亮的孙子. 史蒂夫和苏珊曾经一起在麦考利休息室闲逛,一起学习, 最终在二年级开始约会. Currently, Sue is a RN at Children's Hospital and Steve is a teacher at Holy Name in Omaha.
kuntz.jpg Zach Kuntz 12级♥Taylor (Hartman) Kuntz 12级,16级MBA
We met at Mount Mercy in 2010, we were neighbors in Andreas and had a few classes together. 我们都是2012年毕业,2013年订婚的. We got married July 25,我们的婚礼上有很多MMU的朋友——12岁的Josh Putz, Aaron Sturtz ’11, Jenna (Roths) Slocum ’12, Anna (Keehn) Handley ’12, Teresa Diaz ’13, and Makenzie Keehn ’13. 我们在伊利定居下来,我们有一个1岁的儿子,名叫康纳.
jahlas.jpg John Jahlas '84♥Karen (Woodhouse) Jahlas '84
During a party in the dorms, the late fall of 1981, was the first time I met my future husband. He recognized me from my photo of incoming Freshman and asked me why I didn’t show up for “Freshman Orientation” since he was my orientation leader. After asking if he would be my orientation leader next year, he realized I was a bit clueless. John was a basketball player and I was a cheerleader so we ran around with the same crowd but really didn’t formally date until two years later. 我们都是1984年毕业的,4年后结婚. After 30 years of marriage, we have 2 wonderful children and continue to support Mount Mercy where our love began.
brinkmeyer.jpg Amy (Osenbaugh) Brinkmeyer(94)与Corey Brinkmeyer (98)
We met during volleyball & soccer pre-season in 1993. Our first kiss was in the McAuley stairway (which we remind our children of whenever we can)! 直到1994年4月,也就是我毕业前一个月,我们才开始约会. 我们都以为这只是一时冲动. Our sons, Graham & 米切尔,都是以我们在Mount Mercy的教练命名的.
weldon.gif Julie (Heider) Weldon '94♥Patrick Weldon '94
Patrick Weldon '94 and Julie Heider '94 met when Casey Tauber '94 and Patrick needed to borrow Julie's religion notes after missing class because of a Mustang baseball game. 作为狂热的小熊队球迷,他们三人有很多共同的话题. Patrick and Julie officially started dating in January of 1992 and married four years later. 今年夏天他们将庆祝结婚20周年!
phillips-thumb.jpg 15岁的Alyssa (Dickhoff) Phillips♥14岁的Bradley Phillips
我们在麦考利大学二年级时在男女同校的楼层认识的. 它开始缓慢而秘密. Bradley would walk by Alyssa's room and say hi to her; Alyssa loved to sing and had the voice of an angel! Alyssa's funky personality and beautiful voice attracted Bradley to become more interested. One day, Alyssa and her nursing classmates were practicing taking heart rates in the hallway of McAuley, 从那时起,布拉德利开始有所行动. 他让艾丽莎在他身上练习——从此他们成了更好的朋友. Alyssa's roommate (Haley Graham) and Bradley would talk about politics and classes, and the three became friends. 女生宿舍楼层是一个紧密结合的楼层.

布拉德利开始和海莉和艾莉莎一起玩,一起看电影. 布拉德利约艾莉莎去橙叶餐厅吃冻酸奶,看电影《博彩平台》."

布拉德利最终在2013年的愚人节约了艾丽莎出去. It was incredibly cheesy and included a cookie cake with Elvis and Priscilla and Bradley and Alyssa. 小甜饼让艾莉莎扮演布拉德利的普里西拉. “Will you be my girlfriend?”


Bradley and Alyssa bought their first puppy (A cavachon named Presley James Phillips).



The rest is history.

仁慈山是一个我们将永远珍惜的地方. 这不仅是我遇到灵魂伴侣的地方,也是家庭的象征.

Bradley's brother and sister-in-Law both graduated from Mount Mercy (Ryan and Marissa Phillips).

Alyssa的表妹毕业于Mount Mercy (Nicole Ries).

现在,布拉德利在大学的室友和我们是最好的朋友. 我们有11个人经常一起出去玩. Four of the friends are now couples that met at Mount Mercy who will be married Fall 2017.

仁慈山帮助两个命中注定的灵魂伴侣联系在一起, 带来了一群永远珍惜彼此和慈悲山的朋友, 开创了菲利普斯家族的传统.